*Accentuate the Positive! Evidence-based Practices for Positive Behaviors
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Presented by the Division for Emotional and Behavioral Health (DEBH)
Evidence-based practices (EBP) integrate scientific evidence, standards, and quality indicators. Discovering EBP will help practitioners adopt and implement existing knowledge and strategies. Bringing EBP directly to practitioners and identifying the usability of the practice will help increase implementation. This session will introduce EBP for increasing positive behaviors such as attention to task, compliance, alternatives to aggression, positive relationships, emotion regulation, and motivation.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explore Evidence-based Practices (EBP) for increasing positive behaviors
2. Examine various EBP to determine which ones meet the specific needs of your student(s)
3. Make a plan to apply at least one practice in your setting tomorrow
- Dr. Lonna Housman Moline, DEBH President; University of St. Thomas